Profile Properties and Events

Profile Properties

We are syncing several core properties that are used internally by Klaviyo for specific properties, including first name, last name, email address, phone number, city, region/state, country, and postal code.

In addition to these core properties, we have several properties that are unique to the Commerce7 integration, listed below. These properties are "namespaced" by being prefixed with "Commerce7" so as to avoid overwriting similar property names from other sources.

Klaviyo Profile Property Notes
Commerce7 Marketing Status Maps directly to "Email Marketing Status" on the Commerce7 customer record.
Commerce7 Club

This is a list of names of the active clubs the customer belongs to. Typically the list will only contain one item if they're a club member, but some customers may belong to multiple clubs. "Active" is defined as having no cancellation date, or a cancellation date in the future. "On hold" is still considered "Active", so a membership on hold will still show in this list of active clubs.

If you'd like to create a "Club Member" segment, you might use the condition "Commerce7 Club" and then "has at least one item". Or for non-club members, you might use the condition "Commerce7 Club" and then "is empty" OR "Commerce7 Club" and then "is not set" to include customers from sources outside of Commerce7. You may have to change the field type from "List" to "Text" to find the "is not set" option.

Commerce7 Club Delivery Method Maps to the club delivery method of the first club membership in the list of memberships a customer belongs to.
Commerce7 Account Activated Maps to the "hasAccount" field on the customer object in Commerce7. It means that the customer has registered on the website and set a password. It's common for regular customers and long time club members to have this set to false if they've only ever interacted in the tasting room and never set up an account on the website.
Commerce7 Tenant This is the tenant ID from Commerce7, useful for multi-brand wineries that may have multiple tenants. Also, since this is set on every customer, it's useful for segmenting profiles that came from Commerce7 separately from profiles that may have come from another source.
Commerce7 Tags This is a list of tags on the customer record in Commerce7. It's important to note that we only sync "customer" tags to the profile. We do not sync order tags or club membership tags to the customer record because there's not a 1-to-1 relationship with those objects.
Commerce7 Birthdate Maps directly to the Commerce7 birthdate on the customer record.
Commerce7 MetaData Any metadata on the customer record will sync in the format "Commerce7 MetaData: <metadata field name>:" along with the value of that field.
Commerce7 Loyalty Tier If you're using the Commerce7 loyalty plugin, this will show the current loyalty tier of the customer.
Commerce7 Loyalty Points If you're using the Commerce7 loyalty plugin, this will show the current loyalty points of the customer.

Commerce7 Events

We are syncing several events in realtime to Klaviyo that can be used for triggering flows or creative segmentation based on what a customer has done. Each event includes all of the relevant properties for whatever object that event pertains to. For example, a "Placed Order" event would include properties such as "order number", "shipping address", "promo codes", "products", "tax", "total", and several other properties about the order, whereas a "Placed Reservation" event might include different properties, such as "reservation date", etc.

Event Notes
Started Club Membership A customer has started a club membership.
Cancelled Club Membership A customer has cancelled a club membership.
Started Club Signup A customer has begun the club signup process. This can be used to create an "abandoned club signup" flow by triggering off of this event and if they haven't "Started Club Membership" after some length of time, like an hour, you might send an email to entice them back to finish their signup.
Placed Order An order was placed for the customer. This includes website orders, tasting room orders, orders added by staff through the admin panel, as well as club generated orders.
Placed Non-Recurring Order An order was placed for the customer that was NOT a club generated order.
Refunded Order A full or partial refund was issued for an order.
Fulfilled Order An order has been marked as fulfilled in Commerce7. Usually this means the order was shipped or has been picked up if it was a pickup order.
Quarantined Order An order was marked as quarantined by a compliance tool such as ShipCompliant or Avalara.
Fraudulent Order An order was marked as fraud.
Ordered Product This event fires once for each product within an order that is placed. It allows you to do things like segment on people who have "Ordered Product" where varietal equals "Chardonnay" for example.
Started Checkout This event should ideally be triggered by front-end Javascript on your website, but several wineries expressed that they don't have resources to do that, so we're generating this event on the server-side as a workaround. It is triggered when a cart is created or updated. It's useful for creating abandoned cart flows. The drawback to the workaround is that it fires more frequently than customers are actually "starting checkout", which can be accounted for in the flow, but any reporting on this event will be inflated. We can toggle this workaround off if you are able to trigger it from your website instead.
Placed Reservation A reservation was placed for the customer.
Cancelled Reservation A reservation was cancelled for the customer.

Transactional Events

Several wineries have decided to send transactional emails via Klaviyo instead of Commerce7. To that end, we've included several transactional events that trigger when the Commerce7 transactional email would have been sent. The only property in these events is "htmlContent", which is the HTML that would have been sent from Commerce7 if the email were enabled there instead. You can edit this snippet in Commerce7 if you want to use it, for example it might be useful to include some of the template variables from Commerce7 like "club blob" that would then be passed to Klaviyo. Or you might ignore the content from Commerce7 and just use the event as a trigger for content developed in Klaviyo.

Note: If you disable the corresponding email in Commerce7, these events will still trigger.

Events Notes
Confirmed Account Sent when a customer completed the Account Signup Form on your website.
Activated Account Sent when an email is added to Commerce7.
Activated Existing Account Sent when a customer creates an account that already exists by email in Commerce7 (only sent from frontend V2).
Club Shipment In Two Weeks Sent when a club package is 2 weeks away from processing. The send date is determined by the auto-process date in your club package.
Club Shipment In Two Days Sent when a club package is 2 days away from processing. The send date is determined by the auto-process date in your club package.
Declined Credit Card For Club Shipment Sent when a club package has a credit card decline during processing.
Confirmed Allocation Wish Sent when a customer has been granted additional items in an allocation.
Confirmed Club Update Sent when an update is made to a club membership.
Switched Order From Pickup To Ship Sent when a pickup order is put through the pickup to ship process.
Reminded Of Reservation A customer has an upcoming reservation. You can set the number of days prior to the reservation in the email settings in Commerce7.
Confirmed Reservation Update Sent when a reservation is booked.
Confirmed Event Ticket Sent when an event ticket is purchased.
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